Education is key.
Reading is fundamental.
Knowledge is power.
Comprehension is necessary and critical thinking is a necessity.
To be a fool is to be an easy target.
Wake Up.

"Make America Great Again" is a very egregious turn of phrase.
Especially when it originates from those who have never known inequality since the Articles of Confederation came to be.
We have been taunted with its definition since its inception.
I come from 3 groups who had to fight the government for various inalienable rights: African Americans, women, and LGBTQA+.
These groups made countless sacrifices to do the historical work of fighting alongside their allies to make America great for us.
Black people who slaved for this country's generational wealth that directly contributes to the Racial Wealth Gap. Women, who have historically kept this country running since WWII only to then fight for equality while fighting against the stereotypes meant to keep us complaisant and compliant. And an all-encompassing group of people who have consistently had to hide in plain sight, who disappeared at alarming rates, who were murdered in hate, who denied medical care, who fought for the right to simply love.
There is no "again" for us.
Our pursuit of happiness has been tumultuous, but we have done the work to know our rights and put boots on the ground to ensure we are able to experience the greatness of America without infringing upon the rights of our fellow man.
America's acknowledgement and teaching of the struggles of our past generations and our united efforts to keep one another safe and hold each other accountable all while celebrating our growth is what makes this country great.
They never allowed us to be infringed upon by our country. They knew the true power of this country lies in the hands of its People and they fought endlessly for every single inalienable right I'm afforded today.
Our journey and that of our neighbors is one of knowledgeable effort, sacrifice, humility, initiative, dedication, support and community.
We are the living effigy of fortitude, forgiveness, and forging paths forward.
The greatness of this country has and will always lie in the hearts and minds of its People as we pursue happiness, equality, freedom, and show continuous love, respect and support for one another.

What is a nuclear family?
It is defined as a "traditional family" which refers to a mom, a dad, and their biological children.
There have been generations of people raised to believe that the loss of America's nuclear family is what has caused this nation to "stray."
As someone who was raised in a nuclear family, I can tell you just as well as so many others, that is not the case.
A nuclear family does not and will not ever guarantee life, and America for that matter, will ever be better.
Why Because what good is a nuclear family if abuse is present, communication is lacking, healthy expression isn't being taught, responsibility is never established, character is not built, safe spaces don't exist, trust is gone, self-acceptance is low. I could go on forever.
Politicians have practiced promoting the idea of a "cure-all" nuclear family for decades to displace blame and escape accountability.
It stirs up a division that angers people into blaming those brave enough to come as they are and give it their very best and shaming them for "being the reason the world is the way it is."
When the government starts blaming its People on why its country sucks, it is time to evaluate the rhetoric.
Because how are any of us supposed to thrive, nuclear family or not, when the system we all exist in fails to truly support us?
The truth is any relationship built on an unstable foundation is bound to fall and cause damage to the things around it.
Doing the work is what makes things better
Teaching kindness, a livable minimum wage, better access for affordable healthcare, tax rates that are more fluid, teaching financial literacy, promoting safety measures, teaching responsibility and accountability, equal access to good education, teaching empathy, understanding, compassion, compromise. Again, I could go on.
The concept of a nuclear family is a toxic notion meant to prey on our childhood insecurities, priming us for any hypocrite willing to dangle the security we long for like a carrot while they take full advantage of us right before our eyes.
The only thing a nuclear family guarantees is attendance.

Lest we forget this country was conceived from a revolution fought to escape an oppressive governing structure. A monarchy, to be exact.
Alanis Morrissette said it best.

At the rate we are going under this current Administration, some of my worst fears are coming true.
One of my greatest fears is that they won't have to do much to rebrand and sell segregation and will introduce a repackaged, modern-day Jim Crow that people will blindly support because "it sounds nice"
Remember why Jim Crow came to be: "...many white Americans, especially those in the South, were unhappy that people they’d once enslaved were now on a more-or-less equal playing field. To marginalize Black people, keep them separate from white people and erase the progress they’d made during Reconstruction, “Jim Crow” laws were established in the South." (https://www.history.com/.../blac.../civil-rights-movement... and they cite all their source docs at the bottom)
Separate but equal is discriminatory. Full stop.
If there is EVER smoke that reeks of separate but equal, know that the destructive and unforgiving fire of Jim Crow is near.
Learn your country's history.
Failure to learn from the atrocities of our past increases the risk of the same atrocities happening again. If you don't believe me, read the article above. It references why civil rights were infringed upon back then and they parallel the experience of marginalized groups of today.
Do not let yourself be susceptible to narratives that are dependent upon ignorance, touted as great, and are inherently malicious.
If you hear someone talk about something, LOOK. IT. UP. Make sure your source is reputable. Look them up, look to see what they are citing, look that up for full context, etc.
Trusting someone speaking from a platform in a certain tone, delivering a message confirming what you believe does not a reputable source make. What are they referencing, what are they quoting, what is the full context, what is the full scope, and most importantly, ask yourself 'is this logical' and 'does this make common sense'
Don't allow your confirmation bias to let you get told and sold. Seek understanding.
Our Democracy depends on our will, our intellect, our empathy, and our unity.
They have. They will. Do not let them.

There are a lot of things I've come to terms with the older I've gotten.
As a Black person, the subject of prejudice is HIGH up on that list.
All of us are a little prejudiced.
Prejudice isn't something that's inherently good or bad. But it can be EXTREMELY harmful when it goes unchecked.
We are born into this world bright eyed and bushy tailed. As we grow, we take the things we learn from our environment (like prejudice) and use that to shape how we see and move throughout the world.
Unlearning harmful things is one of the kindest things you can do. It is very important to not only our personal growth, but to the growth of those we encounter 💓
Here are 3 good starting points to unlearn prejudice:
🔑 Choose to be mindful when interacting with others
🔑 Learn about different cultures from reputable sources in that culture
🔑 Create new friendships with those who don't look/live like you do
It's never too late to unlearn the prejudicial behaviors you may be holding on to. Lean in to getting to know the people who exist outside of your echo chamber.
This week, think about an assumption you carry and choose 1 of these 3 ways to expand your personal view(s). If at any point it feels more forced than genuine (especially if you're dealing directly with other people), use that as a signal to rest and regroup for another time.
Be kind. Open your mind and let your heart follow 💙
As a Black person, the subject of prejudice is HIGH up on that list.
All of us are a little prejudiced.
Prejudice isn't something that's inherently good or bad. But it can be EXTREMELY harmful when it goes unchecked.
We are born into this world bright eyed and bushy tailed. As we grow, we take the things we learn from our environment (like prejudice) and use that to shape how we see and move throughout the world.
Unlearning harmful things is one of the kindest things you can do. It is very important to not only our personal growth, but to the growth of those we encounter 💓
Here are 3 good starting points to unlearn prejudice:
🔑 Choose to be mindful when interacting with others
🔑 Learn about different cultures from reputable sources in that culture
🔑 Create new friendships with those who don't look/live like you do
It's never too late to unlearn the prejudicial behaviors you may be holding on to. Lean in to getting to know the people who exist outside of your echo chamber.
This week, think about an assumption you carry and choose 1 of these 3 ways to expand your personal view(s). If at any point it feels more forced than genuine (especially if you're dealing directly with other people), use that as a signal to rest and regroup for another time.
Be kind. Open your mind and let your heart follow 💙

At this point, failure to see the issues this Administration has fabricated, caused, and/or exacerbated is apathetic at best.
At worst, it's an admission of a lack of comprehension, a disregard of empathy and understanding, favoring historical civil rights regressions, selective tunnel vision in its most dangerous form, having a disingenuous moral compass and an abhorrent disinterest in sensibility, accountability, humility and humanity.
"This is not normal" was a purposefully understated truth, a non-verbal cry for help.
As the resistance grows, may we all continue to take care of ourselves and take care of one another ❤️